Adult Bible Studies
God has designed each person to grow within an authentic and caring community. At First Baptist Church, it is our goal to point people to the hope and healing power of Jesus Christ and help them to mature in their relationship with God. We accomplish this through our many small group Bible studies and family events. Browse through our many groups below. We want you to find a place to belong.
Bible Studies

Men's Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm
Upstairs in the Man Cave
Led by Brant O'Connor & Chris Etheredge

Women's Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm
Downstairs in Rm 109
Led by Dea O'Connor

Young Adults Bible Study
Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm
Rm 205
Ages 18-30
Led by Adam and Bekah Weatherly

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Tuesday Morning at 10:00 am
Located in the Bridge
Led by Debbie Newbrough
Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is the core ministry of our church. No matter what stage of life you're in, we have a group for you. They meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15am in the rooms below.
Young Adults
Room 205
Parents of Younger Kids
Room 212
Adults of All Ages
Room 209/210
ages 50-70
Room 108
Gleaners (Ladies Senior Adult)
ages 70+
Room 112
Senior Adults
ages 60-80
Ladies - Room 110
Men - Room 111
Senior Adult Ministry
Our Senior Adults stay active and have lots of fun! They encourage each other in Christ through the following activities: Senior Adult Luncheon every other Monday at Noon.
Additional game nights and hymn sings throughout the year.Â